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Retrieve Interaction eQTL Data.

  • This service returns cell type interaction eQTLs (ieQTLs), from a specified dataset.

  • Results may be filtered by tissue

  • By default, the service queries the latest GTEx release.

The retrieved data is split into pages with items_per_page entries per page

GTEx Portal API documentation


  variantIds = NULL,
  tissueSiteDetailIds = NULL,
  datasetId = "gtex_v8",
  page = 0,
  itemsPerPage = 250



A character vector of Versioned GENCODE IDs, e.g. c("ENSG00000132693.12", "ENSG00000203782.5").


Character vector. Gtex variant IDs.


Character vector of IDs for tissues of interest. Can be GTEx specific IDs (e.g. "Whole_Blood"; use get_tissue_site_detail() to see valid values) or Ontology IDs.


String. Unique identifier of a dataset. Usually includes a data source and data release. Options: "gtex_v8", "gtex_snrnaseq_pilot".


Integer (default = 0).


Integer (default = 250).


A tibble


# \dontrun{
#> ── Paging info ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  numberOfPages = 1
#>  page = 0
#>  maxItemsPerPage = 250
#>  totalNumberOfItems = 86
#> # A tibble: 86 × 24
#>    snpId     bGISE    pos snpIdUpper pValueG pValueGI geneSymbol geneSymbolUpper
#>    <chr>     <dbl>  <int> <chr>        <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>      <chr>          
#>  1 rs34188… 0.0890 1.54e8 RS34188388  0.102  0.00447  LOR        LOR            
#>  2 rs24945… 0.0654 1.60e8 RS2494523   0.867  0.00129  CRP        CRP            
#>  3 rs986760 0.148  1.53e8 RS986760    0.0454 0.00694  LOR        LOR            
#>  4 rs17697… 0.0428 1.59e8 RS17697329  0.515  0.000627 CRP        CRP            
#>  5 rs67415… 0.154  1.53e8 RS67415955  0.565  0.000754 LOR        LOR            
#>  6 rs12133… 0.157  1.60e8 RS12133356  0.634  0.00106  CRP        CRP            
#>  7 rs12132… 0.113  1.53e8 RS12132927  0.858  0.00365  LOR        LOR            
#>  8 rs30269… 0.0683 1.59e8 RS3026943   0.684  0.00222  CRP        CRP            
#>  9 rs24946… 0.0567 1.54e8 RS2494670   0.516  0.000595 LOR        LOR            
#> 10 rs12121… 0.0695 1.60e8 RS12121609  0.444  0.000266 CRP        CRP            
#> # ℹ 76 more rows
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: pValueI <dbl>, bGI <dbl>, tissueSiteDetailId <chr>,
#> #   ontologyId <chr>, chromosome <chr>, tissueCellType <chr>,
#> #   tssDistance <int>, bGSE <dbl>, variantId <chr>, maf <dbl>, bISE <dbl>,
#> #   datasetId <chr>, bG <dbl>, pValueAdjustedBH <dbl>, bI <dbl>,
#> #   gencodeId <chr>
# }