Function name is title of API endpoint in lower case, with words
separated by underscores.
@description section is copied verbatim from the API
documentation site and ends with a link to the corresponding API
endpoint documentation.
Further notes may be added under @details.
Names match those for API endpoint, except where the argument
accepts an array (vector in R) of values, in which case it is
Default values also match those for API endpoint.
Query parameters flagged as “required” in the GTEx Portal API
documentation do not have default values.2
Are all documented in gtexr_arguments.R. All functions
therefore use @inheritParams gtexr_arguments for
Use @family roxygen tag to match categories on API
documentation. This is used to categorise functions on pkgdown site
reference page.
Return a tibble.
The first example in @examples must produce output and
be a single function call without assignment
(e.g. get_news_items(), not
x <- get_news_items()). This is used to pre-populate
argument values in the gtexr shiny app with a working example.