Reads a dummy UK Biobank codings tsv file into R.



A data frame.


#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   Coding Value Meaning                                                       
#>   <chr>  <chr> <chr>                                                         
#> 1 240    H01   H01 Emergency excision of appendix                            
#> 2 240    H011  H01.1 Emergency excision of abnormal appendix and drainage HFQ
#> 3 240    H012  H01.2 Emergency excision of abnormal appendix NEC             
#> 4 240    H013  H01.3 Emergency excision of normal appendix                   
#> 5 240    H018  H01.8 Other specified emergency excision of appendix          
#> 6 240    H019  H01.9 Unspecified emergency excision of appendix