Reads a dummy Phecode definitions 1.2 csv file into R (full version may be downloaded from



A data frame.


#> # A tibble: 33 × 8
#>    phecode phenotype         phecode_exclude… sex   rollup leaf  category_number
#>    <chr>   <chr>             <chr>            <chr> <chr>  <chr> <chr>          
#>  1 10      Tuberculosis      010-041.99       NA    1      1     1              
#>  2 249     Secondary diabet… 249-250.99       NA    1      1     3              
#>  3 250     Diabetes mellitus 249-250.99       Both  1      0     3              
#>  4 250.1   Type 1 diabetes   249-250.99       Both  1      0     3              
#>  5 250.11  Type 1 diabetes … 249-250.99       Both  1      1     3              
#>  6 250.12  Type 1 diabetes … 249-250.99       Both  1      1     3              
#>  7 250.13  Type 1 diabetes … 249-250.99       Both  1      1     3              
#>  8 250.14  Type 1 diabetes … 249-250.99       Both  1      1     3              
#>  9 250.15  Diabetes type 1 … 249-250.99       Both  1      1     3              
#> 10 250.2   Type 2 diabetes   249-250.99       Both  1      0     3              
#> # … with 23 more rows, and 1 more variable: category <chr>