To be used as col_filters argument in 'Clinical code lookups and mappings' functions. Returns a named list where each name in the list refers to the name of a lookup or mapping table. Each item is also a named list, where the names refer to column names in the corresponding table, and the items are vectors of values to filter for.



A named list.

See also

Other Clinical code lookups and mappings: codes_starting_with(), get_mapping_df(), lookup_codes(), map_codes(), reformat_icd10_codes()


#> $read_ctv3_icd10
#> $read_ctv3_icd10$mapping_status
#> [1] "E" "G" "D"
#> $read_ctv3_icd10$refine_flag
#> [1] "C" "P"
#> $read_ctv3_icd10$element_num
#> [1] "0"
#> $read_ctv3_icd10$block_num
#> [1] "0"
#> $read_v2_icd10
#> $read_v2_icd10$icd10_code_def
#> [1] "1"  "15" "3"  "5"  "7"  "8" 
#> $read_ctv3_read_v2
#> $read_ctv3_read_v2$IS_ASSURED
#> [1] "1"
#> $read_v2_read_ctv3
#> $read_v2_read_ctv3$IS_ASSURED
#> [1] "1"