Returns the file path to csv included with this package for resolving overlapping disease categories in mapped CALIBER codes. To be used with reformat_caliber_for_ukb().



A file path.


# return file path
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/codemapper/codemapper/renv/library/R-4.2/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/codemapper/extdata/caliber_mapped_overlapping_disease_categories.csv"

# read file into R
#>                                disease
#> 1                             Diabetes
#> 2                             Diabetes
#> 3  Diabetic neurological complications
#> 4  Diabetic neurological complications
#> 5  Diabetic neurological complications
#> 6  Diabetic neurological complications
#> 7              End stage renal disease
#> 8              End stage renal disease
#> 9                 Erectile dysfunction
#> 10                Erectile dysfunction
#> 11     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 12     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 13     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 14     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 15     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 16     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 17     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 18     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 19     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 20     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 21     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 22     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 23     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 24     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 25     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 26     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 27     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 28     Primary Malignancy_Other Organs
#> 29                        Tuberculosis
#> 30                        Tuberculosis
#> 31                     Unstable Angina
#> 32                     Unstable Angina
#>                                                  description
#> 1                                          DIABETES MELLITUS
#> 2                                          DIABETES MELLITUS
#> 3  Diabetic (femoral mononeuropathy) & (Diabetic amyotrophy)
#> 4  Diabetic (femoral mononeuropathy) & (Diabetic amyotrophy)
#> 5                                        Diabetic amyotrophy
#> 6                                        Diabetic amyotrophy
#> 7                                    End stage renal failure
#> 8                                    End stage renal failure
#> 9                                       Erectile dysfunction
#> 10                                      Erectile dysfunction
#> 11                                       HEAD, FACE AND NECK
#> 12                                       HEAD, FACE AND NECK
#> 13                            UPPER LIMB, INCLUDING SHOULDER
#> 14                            UPPER LIMB, INCLUDING SHOULDER
#> 15                                 LOWER LIMB, INCLUDING HIP
#> 16                                 LOWER LIMB, INCLUDING HIP
#> 17                                                    THORAX
#> 18                                                    THORAX
#> 19                                                   ABDOMEN
#> 20                                                   ABDOMEN
#> 21                                                    PELVIS
#> 22                                                    PELVIS
#> 23                                        TRUNK, UNSPECIFIED
#> 24                                        TRUNK, UNSPECIFIED
#> 25                                                     OTHER
#> 26                                                     OTHER
#> 27                                                     OTHER
#> 28                                                     OTHER
#> 29          Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints
#> 30          Late effects of tuberculosis of bones and joints
#> 31                                          Worsening angina
#> 32                                          Worsening angina
#>                                                 category code_type  code
#> 1                   Diabetes not otherwise specified (6)      icd9  6480
#> 2                                 Secondary diabetes (5)      icd9  6480
#> 3       Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications     read3 Xa0lK
#> 4         History of diabetic neurological complications     read3 Xa0lK
#> 5       Diagnosis of diabetic neurological complications     read3 XaPmX
#> 6         History of diabetic neurological complications     read3 XaPmX
#> 7                   Diagnosis of End stage renal disease     read3 X30J0
#> 8                  Procedure for End stage renal disease     read3 X30J0
#> 9                      Diagnosis of erectile dysfunction     read3 E2273
#> 10            Possible diagnosis of erectile dysfunction     read3 E2273
#> 11          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1710
#> 12 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1710
#> 13          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1712
#> 14 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1712
#> 15          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1713
#> 16 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1713
#> 17          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1714
#> 18 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1714
#> 19          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1715
#> 20 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1715
#> 21          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1716
#> 22 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1716
#> 23          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1717
#> 24 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1717
#> 25          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1718
#> 26 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1718
#> 27          Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1878
#> 28 Possible Diagnosis of Primary Malignancy_Other Organs      icd9  1878
#> 29                             Diagnosis of tuberculosis     read3 AE03.
#> 30                               History of tuberculosis     read3 AE03.
#> 31                                   Unstable angina (3)     read3 XE0Ui
#> 32                                  Worsening angina (2)     read3 XE0Ui
#>     author keep
#> 1  caliber    Y
#> 2  caliber     
#> 3  caliber    Y
#> 4  caliber     
#> 5  caliber    Y
#> 6  caliber     
#> 7  caliber    Y
#> 8  caliber     
#> 9  caliber    Y
#> 10 caliber     
#> 11 caliber    Y
#> 12 caliber     
#> 13 caliber    Y
#> 14 caliber     
#> 15 caliber    Y
#> 16 caliber     
#> 17 caliber    Y
#> 18 caliber     
#> 19 caliber    Y
#> 20 caliber     
#> 21 caliber    Y
#> 22 caliber     
#> 23 caliber    Y
#> 24 caliber     
#> 25 caliber    Y
#> 26 caliber     
#> 27 caliber    Y
#> 28 caliber     
#> 29 caliber    Y
#> 30 caliber     
#> 31 caliber     
#> 32 caliber    Y