Returns a named list of tibbles which show the metadata used for (i) lookup tables and (ii) mapping tables.



A named list.


#> $lookup_tables
#> # A tibble: 14 × 8
#>    code          code_label  lkp_table code_col description_col preferred_synon…
#>    <chr>         <chr>       <chr>     <chr>    <chr>           <chr>           
#>  1 bnf           BNF         bnf_lkp   BNF_Code Description     NA              
#>  2 dmd           DMD         bnf_dmd   snomed_… dm_d_product_d… NA              
#>  3 icd9          ICD-9       icd9_lkp  ICD9     DESCRIPTION_IC… NA              
#>  4 icd10         ICD-10      icd10_lkp ALT_CODE DESCRIPTION     NA              
#>  5 read2         Read 2      read_v2_… read_co… term_descripti… term_code       
#>  6 read2_drugs   Read 2, dr… read_v2_… read_co… term_descripti… NA              
#>  7 read3         Read 3      read_ctv… read_co… term_descripti… description_type
#>  8 opcs4         OPCS4       opcs4_lkp opcs4_c… description     NA              
#>  9 data_coding_3 Self-repor… self_rep… data_co… description     NA              
#> 10 data_coding_4 Self-repor… self_rep… data_co… description     NA              
#> 11 data_coding_5 Self-repor… self_rep… data_co… description     NA              
#> 12 data_coding_6 Self-repor… self_rep… data_co… description     NA              
#> 13 sct           SNOMED CT   read_ctv… SCT_CON… CTV3_CONCEPTID  NA              
#> 14 phecode       Phecode     phecode_… phecode  phenotype       NA              
#> # … with 2 more variables: preferred_code <chr>, grouping_col <chr>
#> $mapping_tables
#> # A tibble: 14 × 7
#>    from      to    mapping_table from_col to_col preferred_synon… preferred_code
#>    <chr>     <chr> <chr>         <chr>    <chr>  <chr>            <chr>         
#>  1 icd9      icd10 icd9_icd10    ICD9     ICD10  NA               NA            
#>  2 read2_dr… bnf   read_v2_drug… read_co… bnf_c… NA               NA            
#>  3 read2     icd9  read_v2_icd9  read_co… icd9_… NA               NA            
#>  4 read2     icd10 read_v2_icd10 read_co… icd10… NA               NA            
#>  5 read2     opcs4 read_v2_opcs4 read_co… opcs_… NA               NA            
#>  6 read2     read3 read_v2_read… READV2_… READV… TERMV3_TYPE      P             
#>  7 read3     icd9  read_ctv3_ic… read_co… icd9_… NA               NA            
#>  8 read3     icd10 read_ctv3_ic… read_co… icd10… NA               NA            
#>  9 read3     opcs4 read_ctv3_op… read_co… opcs4… NA               NA            
#> 10 read3     read2 read_ctv3_re… READV3_… READV… TERMV2_TYPE      P             
#> 11 bnf       dmd   bnf_dmd       bnf_code snome… NA               NA            
#> 12 read3     sct   read_ctv3_sct CTV3_CO… SCT_C… NA               NA            
#> 13 icd10     phec… icd10_phecode ALT_CODE PHECO… NA               NA            
#> 14 icd9      phec… icd9_phecode  icd9     pheco… NA               NA            